Post 16

Since the Raising of the participation age came into effect in 2013, all students are required to continue their studies until their 18th birthday.  This can include Sixth Form, Further Education College, Apprenticeships or Traineeships. Students will be supported in their decision making through our Careers Programme detailed on the careers section of our website. 

As a student in a Delta Academy, we would love for you to continue your studies at your nearest Delta Sixth Form Centre. Our Sixth Forms offer a range of Academic, Applied and Technical Programmes of Study and offer a mature, supported and bespoke programme tailored to your individual needs. For more information about your nearest Sixth Form Centre, please click here.

The Vale Academy in partnership with Hull Trinity House Academy, as part of their Delta Programme of Studies, offer students in the Humber area the opportunity to study Nautical or Maritime studies.  This bespoke pathway has been developed by Delta Academies Trust, local Maritime Employers and professional qualifications to ensure pathways into the industry, at both Apprenticeship and University level. 

Further information for parents and carers can be found at:

For Adult Education courses within the East Riding, please click here.

Please see link below for the latest edition of the careers hub newsletter