Revision Tips
Mock exams are starting, and it’s so important to give it your all. These mocks are more important than ever, so be prepared!
How are we helping you at Goole? Check out the video below and the Parental Support booklet in the documents below!
It’s such an important time, and we know you’ll do brilliantly! Make sure to revise properly using the revision tips in the packs issued, and good luck!
Knowledge Organisers
Stuck for more guidance on revision techniques? Check out your Knowledge Organiser!
All students have been issued with Knowledge Organisers for their different subjects, and these are fantastic tools to help them fully access their learning, whether that’s online or in school. Most subjects are in a termly issued Knowledge Organiser, and students studying French have been given one for the whole year. It’s so important to have these with you, and to know how to make the most of these fantastic resources.