Student Leadership
Each year, we invite younger members of our school community to join our Student Leadership Team (also known as a student council!), and this is a fantastic way for students to represent their tutor groups and their year groups and effect change in our school.
As students get older, there are greater opportunities for students to represent their school and their year groups, be a positive role model, develop leadership skills, and grow in confidence. Students in Y11 can apply to be Head Prefect (2 roles available), Deputy Head Prefect (2 roles) or Prefects (multiple roles)..
What does our Student Leadership Team get up to?
- Meeting & greeting visitors
- Taking part in interviews for prospective members of staff
- Representing their school community at public events
- Getting involved with half termly celebration assemblies
- Acting as role models for other students in our school
- Planning prom and arranging leavers hoodies
- So much more!
If you’re interested in getting involved, have a chat with Mrs Derbyshire